For you can all prophesy one by one, so all may learn and be encouraged. The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets, for God is not a God of confusion, but shalom. As in all the communities of the kedoshim, let women keep silent in the communities, for it is not permitted for them to speak out. Rather let them be in order, as the Torah also says. If they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home—for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak out in the community. Did the word of God originate with you? Or did it reach you alone? If anyone thinks he is a prophet or spiritual, let him recognize that what I write to you is the Lord’s command. But if someone does not recognize it, he is not recognized. Therefore, brothers and sisters, be eager to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues. But let everything be done decently and in order.” 1 Corinthians 14:31-40 TLV.
I think it's time that I address some important issues regarding Shabbat services and orderly worship. At Tikvat Yisrael we are a Spirit filled messianic Jewish synagogue. In many ways we are similar to spirit filled churches, and in many ways we are also similar to traditional rabbinic synagogues. However, a messianic Jewish synagogue is unique in its own right.
We are unique and different from churches, in that we have a cultural heritage grounded in Torah, and therefore on Shabbat we expect to conduct a Torah service in the proper way of our people. At the same time, compared to a rabbinic Synagogue we are much different in that we know the Messiah and we have his Ruach Hakodesh
רוּחַ קָדְשׁ Holy Spirit. his Shkinah is present among us when we gather for a Mikra Kodesh.
Therefore we are in a position that requires a very careful adherence to the rules set down by the messianic Jewish apostles especially Paul in this passage above from 1 Corinthians 14.
Dr. David Stern says the following in his commentary on this passage: "Only after teaching broadly and presenting general principles in 12:1-14:25 does Sha'ul give specific rules for the use of the verbal spiritual gifts (prophecy, tongues and interpretation) in congregational meetings. In so doing he follows his pattern at 8:1-11:1; there too the instructions came at the end of the discussion. The prophets' spirits are under the prophets' control. This can mean either that each individual prophet ought not to let himself be carried away into unseemly behavior, or that the prophets as a group can exercise control as needed over individuals among their number. But clearly uncontrolled ecstatic utterance has no place in Messianic worship practice, for God is not a God of unruliness but of shalom (peace, wholeness, health, integrity). (Stern, 1998).
I appreciate Dr. Stern's comments on these very controversial subjects. I also want everyone to know how much I, as the rabbi as well as the rest of the leadership at Tikvat, want very much to see the gifts of the Spirit move and to see true genuine revival of our people be manifested in and among our services. With that being said the rules of "order" and "the prophet's spirit is under the control of the prophet", should be reinforced.
So here are some practical suggestions I can give the congregation at this time. There are appropriate times to exercise the gifts of the Spirit. There are other times when it is not "appropriate". Typically, we start our services with spirit filled "praise and worship". I am going to make it a point to always invite the Holy Spirit to move as often as possible and make time for this to happen. I will make it a point to make an invitation for the Spirit of God to speak through all of us. During this time of praise & worship it is appropriate to bring a Word from the Lord. I usually stand during worship up front an I and the Elders are ready to receive your Word for it to be tested. We can then allow you to share it. But remember the word from the Lord, according to this chapter is always encouraging and edifying. It is never a rebuke or condemning. Also a word from the Lord is not a "sermon". It is not a time to preach or teach.
Paul says in the above text that "you can all prophesy one by one". This means that God can speak through all of us and I would like to see more of you exercise the gift of prophecy not "the same people week in and week out". There should be a variety of people bringing forth words from the Lord one by one as the spirit moves. This is a spiritual discipline and all of us should come to service on Shabbat ready to hear from the Lord and give a word from the Lord without drawing attention to ourselves. None of us want to be perceived as drawing attention to ourselves or hogging a microphone just to hear our own voice.
Secondly, and as I mentioned previously, there are "inappropriate times". For example, during the Torah service especially when the Torah is being removed from the arc or being returned back to the arc, this is not the time to be coming forward with a "word from the Lord". If you are not familiar enough with Jewish culture then I recommend asking someone before coming forward to deliver a Word. Also, it is a good practice that if you see the Rabbi and elders being seated, that is also not an appropriate time to bring forth a word.
Then of course there are questions about what Shaul was teaching about women. Again here is Dr. Stern's comments: "33b-35 Wives... speak out. Or, "women... speak," which could imply that Sha'ul is prohibiting women from prophesying, preaching, teaching or praying (or possibly, given the context, from speaking in tongues) in a congregational meeting. But we know that there were women prophets (Ac 21:9), that in this very letter Sha'ul permits women to pray and prophesy in public meetings (11:5), and, of course, that not all women have husbands whom they can ask at home. The last point is decisive and shows that Sha'ul is answering a question (7:1) the Corinthians asked about wives' discussing with their husbands what is being said while it is being said. This would disturb decorum even if the wife were sitting next to her husband; but if the universal Jewish practice of the time (and of Orthodox congregations today) was followed, wherein women and men are seated separately in the synagogue, it would obviously be intolerable to have wives and husbands yelling at each other across the m'chitzah (dividing wall). Sha'ul places his instruction precisely here in the letter because it is here that he is dealing with matters of decorum and public order in congregational meetings; his advice seems curt and abrupt only if one ignores that he has already discussed the applicable general principles and that (by my assumption) his questioners are already familiar with the context of the problem, since they brought it up in the first place. If we could not supply such a framework for these verses, we might have to conclude, as some do, that Sha'ul demeans women (see 11:3-15 do, that Sha'ul demeans women (see 11:3-15) (Stern, 1998)
I also appreciate Stern's use of the word "decorum" that would be an accurate word to describe what we are aiming for in our Shabbat service. A decor of Messianic Jewish Spirit filled worship all performed decently and in order. May we all at Tikvat, grow in the spirit and follow these biblical guidelines closely as we practiced them.