Acts Chapter 2 מעשי השליחים
- How long did Yeshua appear to the disciples?
- What came 10 days later?
- How long was Shavuot after Pesach?
- What is Shavuot?
6. What parrells do we see with the giving of Torah and here in vs. 2-4
7. Were other people “filled with the Spirit” before this?
8. Who were these devout men and where were they from?
10. What is the biblical source of “tongues” spoken by the nations?
11. Was this the 12 or the entire 120 speaking?
12. Why is the mention of Galilee significant?
13. How did they know that these men were from Galil?
15. 1 Sam 1:13 how does this compare?
16. How was this an accusation against the disciples and what were the religious implications?
17. How is drunk with wine compared biblically to being drunk in the Spirit?
18. Vs. 15 “These people aren’t drunk, as you suppose—it’s only nine in the morning.
Based on these verses what does this indicate about the time of day that the disciples got up to pray?
19. What is the difference between this outpouring and that of cases when the Spirit filled people in the Tanakh?
20. What is the proof that Yeshua is the Messiah provided here?
21. What were the proofs provided in the Exodus?
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