Acts 13 מעשי השליחים
מעשי השליחים
Acts 13 Tree of Life Version (TLV)
Sent Out from Antioch
1. What do we know about the role of
prophets and teachers in the early Messianic community, what extra-biblical sources
are available that describe these roles in greater detail; and describe who
Simeon, Lucius and Manaen were?
How was prayer and fasting
part of mainstream Jewish life in the first century, and in the Messianic
community; and how was the appointment of Shaul and Barnaba different from
other Divine messages?
What is significant about “sea-journeys”
and the time of year and the fact of where they began preaching the Word when
they arrived?
was Sergius Paulus, also who was the false prophet; and how did this incident
change the proconsul’s life and that of his family?
do we know about Perga, and why did John leave and go back to Jerusalem?
Who was Shaul addressing in
the synagogue and what does this tell us about audiences in synagogues in the
First Century Diaspora, and what do scholars think was the text of the day that
Shaul possibly preached from?
Was Shaul condemning the
people of Jerusalem and their rulers for crucifying Christ in vs. 27, explain
why he was or why he was not, what did he mean and how can it be interpreted?
What does Shaul mean in
saying “the removal of sins which you could not be set right by the Torah of
Moses; what is he referring to?
Why did Shaul and Barnaba
become the subject of jealousy from the Jewish leaders in the city?
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