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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Sefer Yechezekel ספר יחזקאל Book of Ezekiel Study Lesson 4 (ch. 7-8)

Ezekiel 7

1. What is the meaning of: “the end”; the end of what; and what is the meaning of the phrase four corners of the land; the land of what?

2. What is significant about the poetic nature of vs. 6 in the original Hebrew and what is it’s meaning?

3. What is the arrogance that has blossomed a reference to in vs 10?

4. Why does the prophecy now say that the seller and the buyer will not rejoice; what is this referring to; and how is this also found in both Torah and Brit Chadasha?

5. What is the horn exactly that is mentioned in vs. 14?

6. What is significant about the final Hebrew word of vs. 20; what does it mean and what exactly is it describing?

7. Does vs. 26 indicate that after the Babylonian exile “prophecy” to cease?  Why or why not, support your answer with Scriptures.


8. Based on the timing of this next prophetic occurrence, what is the immediate problem we encounter regarding exactly when the event occurred and the “posture” of the prophet himself and the Elders?

9. Who does the “appearance” represent and what was the idol of provocation?

10. What is significant of the repeated question “do you see what they do” what is the implication, why does Adonai keep asking this throughout the chapter?

11. Why was Jaazaniah mentioned and his censer; what is significant about that?

12. Why was the Temple constructed in such a way that the doors of the entrance faced the West? AND why was the actions of the 25 most abominable?

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